The Conspiracy Against Your Money

Monday, December 21, 2009

'Go Green' with Carbon Copy Pro, Mitchell Dillman and DillmanSolutions Environmentally Friendly, Online, Home Based Business, DillmanSolutions, along with Carbon Copy Pro, takes huge strides to help spread message of Sustainable business and living practices World Wide.

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, December 21, 2009 /24-7PressRelease/ -- DillmanSolutions owner, Mitchell Dillman, announced today, his intentions to utilize the powerful Online educational, training and support system of Carbon Copy Pro to reinforce his efforts in bringing awareness to the ever growing issues of Global Warming. On the heals of the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Mitchell Dillman unveils his vision of environmental hope. While quickly establishing himself as a leader, both within the Carbon Copy Pro Internet Marketing community, as well as in the 'Green' home based business arena, Mitchell Dillman is rapidly growing his new business. DillmanSolutions is a dynamic, online business, designed to allow anyone, regardless of background or education, the ability to start-up their own eco-friendly business.

"What people don't seem to realize is how much of a positive impact the home business industry is having on our environment." stated Dillman, "It may not seem significant, however, you must realize how many tons of carbon dioxide are spewed into the atmosphere during each and every 'rush-hour' commute happening daily around our globe?" explained Dillman. "The average American alone, emits upwards of 20 Tonnes of deadly co2 per year." Mitchell went on to say, "When you realize how many new home based businesses are starting up every day you can begin to understand the dramatically positive effects that working from home can have on our eco-systems."

In the United States alone, recent studies indicate that there are upwards of 40,000 to 60,000 entrepreneurs starting a new business every month. In addition to these new, start up businesses, traditional corporate jobs are increasingly being outsourced to stay at home consultants. Mitchell Dillman goes on to describe that, "It appears as if these new work-from-home opportunities have also led to a significant decrease in the production of solid waste. Combine this with the added benefit of a reduction in the use of water, electricity and other resources, the home based business model begins to make a real environmental impact." Mitchell said, "Home businesses offer a true green and sustainable option over the traditional brick and mortar companies."

Mitchell Dillman and DillmanSolutions are dedicated to helping others create wealth and achieve new levels of personal growth, while working and living a sustainable lifestyle. In addition to promoting Carbon Copy Pro, DillmanSolutions offers a variety of answers encompassing all areas of Wealth, Health and Wisdom. For further information on Mitchell or DillmanSolutions go to: or

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Internet Marketing and Social Media 2010 Predictions by Michelle MacPhearson

As 2009 winds to a close, we look to 2010 with antici…….pation and enthusiasm. It’s a whole new year with a clean slate. And with the new year comes a reflection on where we’ve been and where we’re going. The web has changed drastically and that changes the way we, as internet marketers, do business.
2009 Predictions: 4 1/2 out of 5 Predictions

Before rolling into 2010 predictions, let’s establish a track record – how well did I do with my 2009 predictions? Let’s see!

1. 2009 Prediction: With the “down” economy, opportunities in “make money online” will be even bigger. TRUE! The business of teaching others how to do internet marketing has grown exponentially. Ed Dale saw the biggest number of 30 Day Challenge participants ever in August while my own Crowd Mountain launched and grew exponentially in February. Big product launches, once again, broke sales records. But even folks new to the game were able to break out and do big business. There’s still more room than ever in this market.
2. 2009 Prediction: Data portability becomes more a norm rather than an exception. TRUE! You’ll be hard pressed to find a new social service these days and not have it integrate with Facebook, Twitter, and/or Gmail to port your current contacts into your new profile.
3. 2009 Prediction: Using video as part of the sales process will become a necessity. TRUE! I’ve continued to run tests, and a salespage with video has outperformed a salespage without video every time. Simply put, if you’re not using video, you’re leaving money on the table.
4. 2009 Prediction: People will bring more focus to their social media marketing efforts. FALSE! I wish this were true, and I could probably call it true without any arguments from readers, but it’s just not. I still get messages nearly every day with people overwhelmed by the vast array of social media sites, and while I think many folks “get it” there are still many who don’t. So I’ll shout it from the rooftops one more time: Pick 2-3 social media sites that are active in your niche and focus on them rather than spreading yourself too thin across every available network!
5. 2009 Prediction: As a product owner or a niche leader you’ll be expected to be available, responding and engaging with your “tribe” more often than not. TRUE! People want to know you’re available to them more than ever, and those that are tend to rise to the top.

Drumroll please…. Here are my 2010 internet marketing and social media predictions:
Location, Location, Location

Many folks are claiming location based services, like BriteKite and FourSquare will be the breakout hits of 2010. I disagree. Location WILL become increasingly important in 2010, but for mass adoption, these services will have to be rolled into existing, already adopted platforms, like Facebook and Twitter.

My mom lives in Oakland and works in San Francisco (two areas where loacation based services have really great data from their users). Would she EVER use something like FourSquare? No. Would she use it if it was integrated into Facebook? You betcha.

I live in a little mountain town of 900 people. I can’t really even use these location based services – my town is literally not on the map! Would I be interested in my local Facebook friends (most of the locals I know are on Facebook exclusively) location info? Absolutely! Can I get it anywhere else? Nope.

The digerati and web wunderkinds aside, most folks don’t have the time and interest in creating and maintaining another social profile.

After recording this prediction on IMTW last night, rumors started flying that Google was in talks to buy Yelp, a local business reviews site. It’s speculated that Yelp data could be integrated with Google Maps.

And this is where I predict successful location based services will go in 2010: merged into already existing products that have been adopted by the masses.
The Death of Software Downloads

We’ve already seen it with services like Google Docs and Gmail – why keep files or email on our harddrives when we can keep them on the web and access them anywhere?

I made the switch in 2009 to storing as much of my data as possible online, so it doesn’t matter where I am or which computer I’m on, I have access to everything I need.

It makes sense from a user standpoint in terms of being able to work with the software wherever you are. But it also makes sense from a business standpoint:

* Updates are server-side and seamless for the user, no re-downloading a re-installing (which inevitably leads to customer support issues)
* Web based applications work on Mac or PC – you’re not leaving a giant segment of your market behind
* It’s easier to find web developers
* Less compatibility problems with different operating systems and conflicts with already installed programs which leads to less customer support issues
* Allows for a recurring access charge

We’ve seen some movement in this direction in the internet marketing space in 2009, and in 2010 web-based software (aka “cloud computing”) will become the norm.
Link Popularity Gets Social

While simply having links on social media properties was once enough to boost your search engine ranking, in 2010 the popularity of those links will become a bigger ranking factor.

Consider this scenario:

Two blog posts on the same topic. One is retweeted a gazillion times, is linked all over Facebook and has a ton of comments. One gets little traction in the social media space. Which one do you think *should* rank higher in the SERP’s? The one that people shared the most!

The easiest way to achieve this is…. producing great content that people will want to share. You can also encourage people to share your content by using the tips in The Three Pillars of Social Media Marketing.
Social Media Marketing Matures

In 2010 social media marketing will mature in a variety of ways.

Firstly, we’ll move away from conversations about why one should be using social media in your marketing towards *how* to use social media in your marketing. It will be assumed that a social media presence is necessary, and we’ll see more instruction on exactly what to do.

We’ll also see more focus in how businesses use social media. Rather than using SM “because it’s the thing to do” we will more strategic at moving folks from social media into our sales funnels. Social media marketing will be less about “joining the conversation” and more about specifically growing your business (the “conversation” is still important, but our joining of it will be more purposeful).

Finally, our collective psyche’s will move away from a “bigger is better” mentality. Rather than valuing social media by the number of followers or fans, we’ll look more at those followers’ and fans’ engagement. 100,00 YouTube views or Twitter fans does not sell products if those folks are not engaged.
Wordpress As a True CMS

We love Wordpress, and it’ll just get bigger and better in 2010. With products like Affiliate Theme and Squeeze theme, and more flexibility with offerings like the Thesis Theme (used on this blog), Wordpress is moving more towards a true CMS that can be used for anything, without custom coding.

Building a membership site or a review/rating site or even a salespage exclusively with Wordpress has picked up steam in 2009 and will be even simpler in 2010 as developers create more plugins and themes to do so.

Products in this space will grow and our adoption of them will follow.
Additional 2010 Predictions

As is our tradition, Lynn Terry, Paul Colligan, Ed Dale and I recorded our 2010 predictions show last night for Internet Marketing This Week (that podcast will be out shortly). Watch the @IMTW Twitter feed or subscribe on iTunes to listen.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Your Success In 2010 And Beyond Depends On These 10 Things Written by Rose Mis on Nov 30, 2009 3:44 AM

In order to be successful in business ….

You have to find a need and fill it … people buy solutions to their problems...

You have to be unique…you have to be someone or have something that separates you from the competition…

And…I believe that this is the most important of all…

You have to have a certain kind of mental toughness because the difference between winning and losing in business is so small that most people don't get it and they lose JUST short of winning…

You can be doing 99% of everything right in business…

But if you miss that 1%…that winning edge…that mental toughness…it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to win.

There are no tests designed to measure what's in the heart of a man or a woman. The key to winning BIG is inside of the individual person. It is their integrity…their people skills...their character. Once they develop the winning edge…They become UNSTOPPABLE…They are force to be RECKONED WITH…They are the LEADER that people are LOOKING FOR.

Here are 10 things that I believe you need to WIN BIG in Life and Business

Get Excited. People cannot handle any more negativity. They can't handle any more wimps and whiners. 90% of the population can stay excited about something for 2-3 months and then they are done with it and on to something else. 7% of the population can stay excited for 2-3 years and then they are off to something else just before they exprience TRUE success. 3% of the population can stay excited for 20 or 30 years…however long it takes to be successful. Those are the folks that win BIG. Those are the success stories that we all hear about. These are the folks that breathe life..excitement... and enthusiasm in every person they meet and into everything they do. People LOVE being around positive...enthusiastic...excited people. Be that person and others will be drawn to you like moths to a flame.

Become a Dreamer Again. You have got to have a great big fat dream that lights you up like the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center. It has to be so vivid that whenever you think about it your heart starts pounding in your chest. It's the dream that keeps you awake at night trying to figure out how you are going to make it happen. If you don't have a dream like this you are dead in the water when things get tough. You will have nothing to keep you moving forward and you will quit. Make your dreams so real for yourself that you have no choice but to become the you of your dreams.

Feel GOOD About Yourself. You have got to OBLITERATE the words I CAN'T from your vocabulary. You have got to bury them and let them rest in peace. They can never fall from your lips again..they can never enter your mind again. When you banish those words of lack and limitation from your vocabulary and your mind … YOU CAN DO ANYTHING…YOU BECOME UNSTOPPABLE

Stand For Something. People are fed up with wishy-washy lookie-loos…fence sitters. People are looking for…they are demanding honest LEADERS with integrity to step up and reveal themselves…to LEAD. People are tired of the con artists…the shills who are willing to sell any kind of junk just to make a buck. People are clamoring for honesty. When you step up and stand for something, when you speak with integrity and honesty…the right people will hear you and flock to you. You become the leader that they have been searching for.

Get Used To Being Controversial. You have got to be controversial. When everyone is zigging…you need to zagging. If you are doing exactly what everyone else is doing you are average and ordinary. You are nothing more than mediocre. If you want everyone to like you…mediocre will do the trick just fine. When you choose to be controversial…you become extraordinary. Lot's of people won't like you. Get used to it. You CAN be awesome and tough at the same time. The RIGHT people will appreciate you for it. And they will join forces with you because you are singing a song that is music to their ears.

Get Totally Committed. You must be totally committed to what you are all about. You can't just try something out to see if it works for you. You can't become successful by dipping your big toe in the water to see if the temperature is just right. It's all or nothing. JUMP IN and SWIM. You have got to be committed to doing whatever it takes to get the job done. Commitment gives you the courage you need to fight motivate yourself when things get tough. And trust me….things will get tough. Things will not always work out the way that you want them to. Commitment gives you the strength you need to pick yourself up for the 8th time right after you have fallen flat on your butt 7 times. It gives you the strength to talk to one more person after 100 have said NO to you. It gives you the strength to learn the skills that you need to master a new piece of technology. Commitment gives you confidence…it strengthens your faith in yourself and what you are doing.

Treat People Right. You have got to treat people right. You have got to LOVE people. You have got to CARE about them. You got to be willing to get burnt once in a while so that you can show people how GREAT they really are. Everyone wants to be SOMEBODY. Everyone wants to know that they are IMPORTANT. Everyone wants to know that they are VALUABLE. Everyone wants to be APPRECIATED. When you choose to speak a person's GREATNESS INTO THEM. When you choose to show someone just how IMPORTANT THEY ARE, you just became the miracle that they are looking for.

Have The Right Priorities. You have to have the right priorities. You are a holistic being. Your life must be in balance. Tunnel vision doesn't cut it. If you have a lousy spiritual life…or a lousy personal life…ultimately your business will pay the price for your imbalance. YOU are your business. If you are not thriving personally or spiritually…it will show up in your business sooner or later. The healthier you are…the healthier your business is. Take the time to work on all areas of your life. Your business will thrive becaue of it.

Have The Heart of a Champion. You have got to have the heart of a champion. The desire and will to win is EVERYTHING. You have got to get FIRED UP and STAY FIRED UP. You are here to make a difference with your life. You have got to be willing to pay the price and a little bit more that success demands of you to win. You have got to be mentally tough and you can never…ever quit. QUITTERS NEVER WIN and WINNERS NEVER QUIT.

Be A Leader. You have got to be a leader. Leadership is EVERYTHING. This world desperately needs leaders. Leaders make things happen…they JUST DO IT. "Almost" is a lifestyle for most people…I almost did this….I almost did that… Winners DO IT…Leaders DO IT. They do whatever it takes to get the job done…they do whatever it takes to win. They roll up their sleeves..they hunker down and they just do it…and do it..and do it..and do it…until the job gets done !! Get rid of the excuses… get rid of the I can'ts…banish the I don't want to's…and just DO IT.

I would love to hear your thoughts on what you believe it takes to be successful in both life and business. We are going into the SECOND decade of 21st century and I am sure that everyone has a suggestion or two about what they think are the most powerful attributes of success. So, take a minute to comment and share with everyone else !! I am grateful for all of your feedback !!

P.S. It would be totally awesome of you if you could “Re-Tweet” this post for your Twitter friends. I know this type of content tends to be popular there and if you liked it… it might be something your followers will like as well. Thanks again.